Student Standards

In order to develop an aspirational learning culture, we have introduced some new standards to help students to focus on their learning. We would like to thank you in advance for supporting us to raise standards in order to achieve the best possible progress for our students.

The Start of the School Day

Gates to the school open at 8:30 – 8:40am
The school day starts at 8:40am.
Students should be in school before the bell rings at 8:35 am and in their form room by 8:40am ready for registration
The gates will be closed and locked at 8:40am every day
Entry after this time will only be via the front door
Students who are late to school without a valid reason will be sanctioned.

Essential Equipment

Students must arrive at school with the necessary equipment to learn. This includes the following: School bag, Clear pencil case, black pen, purple pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, scientific calculator, whiteboard, whiteboard pen, whiteboard eraser. These full sets (not including the school bag and calculator) are available to purchase on the school shop for £3. Scientific calculators can also be purchased from school separately. Equipment checks are carried out daily and students are responsible for ensuring all equipment works and is replenished when it runs out.

Mobile Phones, Earphones and Speakers

Phones, headphones and smartwatches may be brought in to school but must be kept in bags or zipped in blazer pockets out of view at all times. Students must not use phones at any time on the site between 8.40 and 3.10pm unless they are asked to do so by a teacher in a lesson for a reason that is related to learning. In this case, the teacher will issue instructions on the use of phones or headphones which must then be followed. If a phone, headphone or smart watch is out during the school day, even to check the time, this will be confiscated. There is a staged system of sanctions and mobile phones, earphones and speakers are counted as identical items. Staff have been instructed to confiscate mobile technology items that are visible and/or in use during the times specified. They will be taken to the school office. The system of sanctions:

First offence – Stage 1: The item is confiscated and locked in the school safe. The item is collected by the student at the end of the day. One behaviour point will be issued.

Second offence – Stage 2: The item is confiscated and locked in the school safe. The item is collected by the student at the end of the day. One behaviour point will be issued.

Third offence – Stage 3: The item is confiscated and locked in the school safe Parents/carers are informed and asked to collect the phone at the end of the school day. One behaviour point will be issued.

Nails, Make-Up, Tattoos and Hair Cuts

  • Make-up should be natural and kept to a bare minimum. Students will be asked to remove any excessive make up by their Form Tutors, Assistant Head of House, and Head of House, members of the Senior Leadership Team or the Pastoral Team. No false eyebrows or lashes (including strips and semi-permanent).
  • Hair must be appropriate for a smart, professional environment, be a natural colour, and must not be extreme style. Short hair must not contain shaved patterns. Only small, plain functional and safe hair accessories are allowed.
  • Nail varnish is not to be worn in school. Acrylic nails are not allowed in school and students will not be allowed into lessons until these are removed.
  • It is illegal to have a tattoo under the age of 18 so tattoos are not allowed in school. If a student already has one, this must be covered at all times.


Because of the morning checks completed by Form Tutors, jewellery (with the exception of a single small earring in each ear lobe) should be not be seen on students during the school day. If it is, staff will confiscate the items and take them to the school office. The system applies: 

First offence – Stage 1: The item is confiscated and locked in the school safe. The item is collected by the student at the end of the day. One behaviour point will be issued.

Second offence – Stage 2: The item is confiscated and locked in the school safe. The item is collected by the student at the end of the day. One behaviour point will be issued.

Third offence – Stage 3: The item is confiscated and locked in the school safe. Parents/carers are informed and asked to collect the item at the end of the school day. One behaviour point will be issued.

Food at Lunchtime

Lunchtime lasts for 1 hour, which consists of 30 minutes for lunch break and 30 minutes for enrichment. 

  • Food can be eaten in the school dining rooms, The Hall or Sports Cafe. School Take-away food can be taken outside to eat but food will not be allowed to be eaten in the corridors at any times.
  • Paper serviettes will not be allowed outside and should be placed in the bins.
  • Students should be responsible for their own litter and use the bins provided for rubbish. Failure to do so may result in a LOFT (Loss of Free Time) lunch detention and community service with the school site team picking up litter around the school.
  • Each year group will take part in a social responsibility scheme during lunchtime.

Attitude to Learning System

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